Kimberly Wolf

When I tell you that you’re my Best Friend, what I mean to say

is that you are the fantasy winding road through the mountains in my dreams
and there are so many good scenic overviews that I’m having trouble picking just one to stop at
so I stop at all of them
and I take one bite of a perfect peach
that a different Best Friend gave me in a brown paper sack
full of just because glitter that stays in every crevice in my car for an entire year
I let the nectar make a mess of my hands and yes
my hands are another Best Friend
because they know how to knead the dough for fresh bread and I do need fresh bread
and peach nectar
and winding mountain roads
and my god
your incredible face.

Kimberly Wolf (she/her) is a bipolar mom living in Texas. She can be found driving fifteen hours away to eat a peach on a mountain. You can find more of her work in Nymphs, trampset, and Anti-Heroin Chic.